Stay at home Mom Identity Crisis


I really hope I don’t get slammed for this post. My son is 4 and recently we decided for financial and family reasons that I would stay at home with my son. I am truly grateful to be able to stay at home as I missed my son terribly when I was working full-time. But at the same time, I kind of feel this emptiness. I feel like I’m lost as a person and don’t have anything to contribute to society. I used to work as a personal training director and although my job had its ups and downs, I enjoyed being a role model for others and helping people on their fitness journey. I feel like now I contribute nothing. When my husband gets home from work, he asks me about my day and I just sit in silence because I’m almost embarrassed to go into detail about my seemingly unimportant life. Anyone else relate? Again, I know I should feel lucky and I know other moms would kill to not have to work. This is just how I’ve been feeling lately. I’ve been pretty depressed and anxious. I’m just wondering if any other stay at home moms have felt like this.