Ovulation Off

Cat • Little love born 11.26.19 after 2 years of TTC. First fresh round of IVF with ICSI successful ♥️

Venting/looking for answers:

My husband and I have now been trying since August (I know, not long), but we did find out in November from an at home test that he has low sperm count. I have been feeling comforted with my own health because (when off bc), my periods have been regular and consistent since Day 1 of first getting them. And they became that way immediately after getting off the pill. Additionally, I have had a positive LH surge on the same cycle day every month.

Last month however (December), I started spotting 4 days before my period was due, but so lightly I didn’t even need to wear a pad. And then my actual period came a day before it was supposed to. According to Glow, yesterday should have been the day I had a positive LH Surge. I started to test on Wednesday and every day since then, it’s been a super negative test with the test line very light. Same color it usually is if I test on the first day of my window and then it progressively gets darker.

Anywho, should I have counted my first day of spotting as my first cycle day, which means that I could have actually missed my ovulation window? Or is it normal for me to be completely on schedule for 5 months and then all of a sudden not be? Or is it possible I’ve just stopped ovulating 😩😩😩😩?