First OB appointment expectations


I'm 8 weeks 4 days and I had my first OB appointment this last Monday 01/08. My husband and I went together thinking it would be exciting and we'd get some sort of confirmation, maybe HCG test are the very least just to make sure its rising as it should or something. This is also our first time being pregnant! The office I'm going is literally the closest I could get to home, I live in a smaller town so it leaves me with few options that are close to home that my husband can come with me and I commute in the opposite direction about an hour away. I also chose this place because I want to give birth closer to home. I used to work in OBGYN and recently had to find a new doctor at this place because mine is way too far into Portland to be comfortable with and my OBGYN stopped practicing OB. I literally loved this doctor, she was amazing and had a really good relationship with her so finding a new doc has been really sad for me as well.

So we anxiously awaited our first visit, go in and it's literally just an intake with a medical assistant, no nurse, no doctor absolutely nothing besides paperwork, regular OB panel, no HCG testing and health history discussion. I just felt so disappointed with the visit, there seemed to be nothing special and nothing that would reassure me that we had a viable pregnancy considering it's my first. Is this normal for the first visit? I thought we would a least get a transvaginal US for confirmation before I wait another 4-5 weeks for my first office visit with the new doctor. I used work in this field and we would give patients transvaginal ultrasounds at their first doctors visit with their chosen doctor/midwife. I was just expecting more glitter and rainbows I guess 😕