Caitlyn • Mommy of 2 + 1 on the way

I know my 6 month old son is tired. When he was a newborn I breastfeed but due to catching a tongue tie and lip tie late I lost most of my milk only leaving the milk he would hang on to. Basically he loved breastfeeding hated bottles so much he would try to starve himself. Leaving us both with no sleep, both hungry, him breastfeeding 24/7, and me trying to get a bottle in his mouth what felt like all day. Around 3 - 4 months he got better with formula and bottle feeding but still no sleep and I knew he was OVER TIRED. You can see it and feel it and hear it, trust me. I’m not one of those moms who is needing the sleep, it’s him (Not going to sit here and lie though me and my husband BOTH need some sleep) but it’s mainly him. Anywaysss, so 4-5 months came around and he finally was napping and sleeping better through the night and we only woke up like 2-3 times for a bottle which was fine for us, before it’s like every 30-1hr. And then xmas came and probably all the family visiting and loosing track of time and some naps through him off most likely and now I can’t get him to sleep again. I’m so lost and desperate cause if you guys could only see the way he acts, he is tired. He just cannot fall asleep on his own. And I’m at my last resort last night we got 3 hours of sleep in 24 hrs. Pediatrician says it’s normal ITS NOT. I’m a first time mom but not a dummy. Many lactation consultants told me the same thing. Babies need sleep! I’m curious what kind of schedules work for you guys ? and how long do you keep baby up between naps? Sleep training ?? Cry it out ? No tears method ?? H E L P U S P L S 💗💗💗