He found a piece of condom box in my car.

Let's start with my husband last summer cheated on me for 7 months last summer. I found pics on his Facebook of him fucking her at a motel. And also found my intimate pictures of us sent to her by accident. I forgave him and never looked back. After that incident he became possessive about everything and controlling I dealt with it for a few minutes months and left him. Yes I did start dating vacationing and I did me. He begged me for months but I ignored him. I had freedom to the fullest and enjoined it. We got back together and he found a box of condoms that were unused and I lied I don't think it's him s business to know. 8 months later a piece of that box is was still there and I don't know what to say that's old. Advise ? He still been over jealous and controlling even of what I wear down to why do I listen to rap music. Why do I wear Make up !