I know it’s not super reliable but...

Brittany • Wife 💍 Mom to 2 bio boys 💙and 2 bonus boys! 💙 Baby girl born Oct 2018 💗 Expecting birth control fail June 2020

I’m not exactly sure what day I ovulated but I’m pretty sure it was either the 27th or 28th it December. On January 3rd I went to pee and when I wiped it was just a slight brown color and then after that nothing. I wear panty liners every day and it wasn’t even enough to get on my panty liner. Just the one time I wiped. So I’ve always been able to feel my cervix and I do so in the shower. I just felt my cervix today and t was the softest I’ve ever felt it. Softer than my lips, super high, and closed. I took a test this morning and it was negative. 🤷🏼‍♀️