How do you stay positive?

I’m naturally pessimistic. I’m 33 and just married. I haven’t been TTC for very long, but I’m already so worried that I’ll never get pregnant! So many people around me are having babies. SO MANY! Like coworkers and close family members, not just acquaintances. Everyone knows that I wanted kids right away after I got married so I know that at every gathering everyone is waiting for us to make an announcement...but when they see me reach for a glass of wine, they know there’s no announcement coming that night lol. I think I’m embarrassed? When I see my cousins who all have 4 little kids each....I feel so....infertile? Not as womanly? I dunno...I just don’t feel good 😞🤷‍♀️ I’m not complaining that I’m not pregnant yet...because I’m ok with it taking longer. I just wish I knew if it will happen ever. I don’t even have to know when, I just want to know IF! I don’t want to waste years trying, only to find out that it’s not possible and we could’ve spent that time trying something else.

Like I said, I’m new to TTC, so the feelings that go along with it are also new...and I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this. Any advice would be appreciated 👍