Today marks my one year of freedom!


Today marks one whole year of freedom from addiction! A year ago today I made a decision to ask for help & went into a treatment program. It was hard & scary at first. But sobriety hasn’t given me my life back, it has given me a new life. One I could have never seen in the darkness I lived in a year ago. I have learned so much in the past year & learned what is important to me. Somehow I am still married to my best friend, who has the patience of a saint lol & has been by my side for the past 11 years. Probably the greatest lesson I’ve learned is one about mental health. It is possible to live & even thrive if you suffer from mental illness. There are people that can help & all you have to do is reach out. There should be no shame in talking about mental illness & it is a topic that needs to be talked about. Asking for help kept me alive. It has given me the best year of my life & even more importantly given me a future!