Flying and periods

Angel • Aries. Living, loving, learning!

Does anyone else’s period act crazy after a long flight?

For example, my period is two days early, I just got off a flight last Sunday, and ever since I’ve been having terrible cramps when I laid down at night to sleep. Now my period is here (2 days early) and I have a heavier blood flow the second and third days of my periods, so it’s not like I’m flowing out the wazoo, however, when I sit down to go pee, I have TONS of bloodclots, like tons. Which is weird because while I usually have some, it’s never this many. I’ve been doing research and it’s all caused by pressure change from the flight. I know stress (even if you aren’t mentally stressed) causes weird period stuff.

But I was just wondering if any of you ladies also experience this?

While I was flying on the plane, my right side/ovary was cramping so bad,(more than my usual) and that’s the side that’s been hurting more.

It’s said to calm down after a little while, so we’ll see.