
So my beautiful babygirl, Rhea, is almost 5 months old and she’s a really good girl for the most part 😐 ever since she was born she does not go down easy for naps or bedtime, she’s a good sleeper it’s just the getting to sleep part that’s tough. She will only take naps in her swing after she kicks and whines & has been swung vigorously for 15-20 minutes, and then she will only stay asleep for about 20-30 minutes. Every once in a great while she will take an hour nap. The only way to get her to bed at night is to bounce her to sleep in your arms let her fall into a deeper sleep for about 30 mins, and then lay her down and nurse her to sleep again, but after that she usually sleeps all night. & she hasn’t taken a pacifier since she was born so that doesn’t help either with trying to get her to go to sleep by herself. She absolutely refuses to be put down, & the whole “put your baby down drowsy but not asleep” doesn’t work at all, she will lay there and stare at me like “I’ll just wait until you pick me back me up”😑 I’m a stay at home mom so it doesn’t bother me that she’s so picky about the way she sleeps, but when I take her out family always comments on how their babies are so easily put to sleep and that I can’t give her whatever she wants. I think well that’s great for you that your baby is so perfect, mines not and I do what I have to to keep her comfortable and happy. Any comments or advice ladies? I can’t be the only one with a super particular baby right ?!?!?