Is this my period or implantation?

Aali • Idk I️ like stretching my ears

I start my period Sunday but usually I come on a day early and once in every blue moon I’m come on two days early I’ve taken a plan b last month which was my first time and my period are regular and always on time but (if u read my other post i’ve been scared I could be pregnant from precum from condom breaking) and i just wanna know if this is my period starting early or not.

Note: I didn’t have really any pregnancy symptoms accept sore breast and it could be because their growing (I’m 15 btw) and also because of hormones and I’ve had bad back pain and been very sleepy and that’s it)

Question: how long does implantation bleeding last? And how would I know if it was implantation bleeding and not period

^^ this is what it looked like when I just wiped (I get cramps every other months and bad acne and this isn’t my month for cramps really so it just feels like a period slight discomfort like when you know your period is coming)