Late period or possible pregnancy?


As of today I'm 17 days late on my period. I normally get premenstrual symptoms 1-2 weeks before period. However, this time around I didn't. Within last week I had very mild abdominal cramping. Along with lower back ache (cramps) that were more severe. These cramps/back aches would last 15-20 mins the most sometimes up to 30 mins then disappear.

I've taken three dollar tree pregnancy test within time frame of missed period and all negative. I was going to get a blood test today to confirm pregnancy or not but I didn't have time with busy schedule today.

If I am pregnant I'm 6 weeks according to <a href="">baby app</a> lol. I really don't feel pregnant. Although, only symptoms I have that may relate to possible pregnancy is missed period, fatigue, and cramping. No other symptoms. I have no bleeding nor spotting.

I've had 3-4 days that felt like I was going to start period with bloating, cramps, and craving food. As of right now I feel fine just mild cramps in lower back.

What do you all think ladies... late period or possibly pregnant???!

Any feedback greatly appreciated :)