Wtf do I have to do to be wanted😔

So I've been talking to this guy and it feels like I give, give, & give and he only receives. I cook for him, help him with his problems (tow his truck, help him move), help him clean etc and I feel like it's an 80/20 relationship. I told him I feel unappreciated and even pulled away to the point where I was done and when I pulled away and show signs that I was done, that's when he began to notice me and actually tried. Well it seems like that lasted like a day or two. I know people don't change overnight and need to give it time but idk. He doesn't stick to his word and lags on favors. He's been sick lately but even I tried to nurse him to good health and rejected my remedies and advice on seeing a doctor. I don't know, I feel like I'm playing housewife and accepting his baggage and I still don't see changes. He rarely asks if I want to hang out and prioritizes friends and such over me. I'm not saying to pick me over friends but if his friends call, he gets up fast to be there in a heartbeat and with me he says he's on his way and shows up two hours later. I'd just like a little bit of balance & I don't want to let him go but at the same time i feel like I should. It breaks my heart to see that there are girls or here that are getting even the minimum treatment & I feel like I can't even get that. Simply the decency of someone wanting you. I feel like when I pull away that's the only time he notices that he should be a bit more affectionate or simply notice me as a person....