ᖇEᗩᒪᒪY ᒪᗩTE ᑭEᖇIOᗪ Oᖇ ᑭOᔕᔕIᗷᒪY ᑭᖇEGᑎᗩᑎT?!?!


As of today, 01.13.18, I'm 13 days late on my period. Most of the time I'll get premenstrual symptoms a couple days before my period. But this time around I didn't. Within this last week I have been having mild abdominal cramping and sharp pains that I feel in my hips as well. Along with lower back aches. These cramps/back aches would last 15-20 mins the most sometimes up to 30 mins then disappear.

I've taken a first response pregnancy test on January 9th and it was negative. I'm going to take another one Tuesday so that it'll be exactly one week since I last tested.

If I am Pregnant, I'm 5 weeks and 5 days according to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.baby">baby app</a>. I really don't feel that different. Although, only symptoms I have that may relate to possible pregnancy is missed period, fatigue, cramping, dizziness, and food cravings . No other symptoms. I have no bleeding nor spotting.

I've had about 3-4 days that felt like I was going to start my period with constant bloating, cramps, and craving food. As of right now I feel fine just no more cramps or dizziness. Just the pain in my lower back.

What do you all think...... late period or possibly pregnant???!

Any and all feedback greatly appreciated ❣️.