Toddler Mom worried about bf new baby


Me and my husband have an 18 month old and are due for new baby September 2018. Right now, my toddler is in a super clingy stage. I worry about those stages happening especially in early days of bf a newborn. I know I will somehow make it work, but I’m starting to get nervous lol. I stay at home and will be with new baby too. Any advice on how to pay attention to toddler or entertain toddler while breastfeeding? I’m sure the clingy stage will be over by then, but I just want her to know that I love her and I’m not abandoning her. It’s so weird to think about bc I’ve only ever had to entertain one baby lol so now I worry how baby will make her feel. Please someone tell me I’m not crazy 😅😅😅🤷🏻‍♀️