Controlling bf...

I've been with my bf for 2 years and 2 months and lately we've been fighting so much. I'm not sure if I'm being controlled or manipulated by. He gets mad if I hang out with my friends, he gets mad if I don't tell him where I'll be and with who. He's younger than me too.. I'm very outgoing and he's not so much. Lately I've been feeling so low and he tells me things when we fight like "you don't care for me" "your friends come first" but it's not like we had plans and I blew him off for my friends. I love him with everything I got but how he could be makes me question the relationship. If I do something he doesn't like then it's over but when he does it, it's okay. I hate this feeling and he starts to tell me very bad self harm things and I feel like it's my fault... I don't know what to do, seek help or let go...