Preggo Symptoms??

Hello all! I’m worried I could possibly be pregnant. I have anxiety and make myself paranoid about pregnancy quite a lot, but this time feels different. This app says I should’ve started my period two days ago now, but I believe the absolute latest would be the 14th (as that’s when I started last month). My boyfriend and I have sex quite frequently and don’t ever use protection (not the brightest idea but I usually track my ovulation). Although I haven’t started my period yet I’ve had some mild cramps/stomach aches and definite mood swings. And today my vagina has started to itch a bit and I appear to be getting a yeast infection? I don’t normally cramp before my period and I have only had like 2 yeast infections ever. Also idk if this means anything but I’ve been having a lot of dreams about babies and even one about being pregnant and not wanting to tell anyone because I’m not at a point in my life to where I’m ready to have a baby just yet. Ohh and lastly I had a period of time where I was eating A LOT more than usual. It lasted a few days, and since then I just get hungry faster and crave things more randomly... Any opinions/feedback would be greatly appreciated, thank you!