NEED ADVICE!!!: Should I pop up on him?



So I am seeing this guy for about Five weeks now. We Text, talk, or FaceTime every day, I see him multiple times a week. I know that he likes me without a doubt. And I like him too. So his phone has been messing up a lot lately. It turns off out of nowhere and He has to just wait for it to come back on to use it. I have actually seen it happen. I haven’t heard from him all day yesterday which is weird because we talk every day. If I don’t hear from him at all today should I pop up on him at his apartment and check up on him? Or should I hit up his sister on social media to get in touch with him? Honestly, I’m starting to miss him and I wanna talk to/see him even though it’s literally been a day since I haven’t spoken to him and two days since I last saw him.

Edit:How I know his phone isn’t working right now is because when I text him the message does not send and when I call him it goes straight to voicemail.

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Posted at
That seems super clingy to show up or contact his sister, I could understand if there were an emergency or something, but because you miss him? No, girl. And it's obviously not that big a deal for him or he would fix his phone and/or find other ways to contact you


C • Jan 13, 2018


C • Jan 13, 2018
I agree, he could fine me on social media or something. He knows my full name. Search me on FB or something. I was told to go see him if I don’t hear from him today. Just an idea....


Posted at
You pop up on him and you’re probably not going to see him again after.


C • Jan 13, 2018


C • Jan 13, 2018
I understand that. I just want to spend time with him. We got a god thing going. Hopefully, this break from communicating won’t last too long. But I shouldn’t get too emotionally involved/my hopes up in this particular situation so my feeling won’t get hurt.


Jess • Jan 13, 2018
Just a little bit! But I completely understand where you’re coming from, you like him and just want to spend time with him. Just from experience tho, I wouldn’t necessarily play the waiting game just so you don’t become disappointed.


Posted at
No. I wouldn’t pop up on him. It’s too early in the “relationship” for pop ups lol If you already have a relationship with his sister and you guys are cool, then yeah hit her up. If not, I would just wait.


ca • Jan 13, 2018
Yeah I guess to check if he’s ok, if he actually is ok, I would be pissed at the lack of effort in his part.


C • Jan 13, 2018
He definitely can. You think I should reach out to him if we haven’t spoken in 3 days?


ca • Jan 13, 2018
Oh ok. So yeah. Just wait. He can definitely find a way to reach out to you.


Posted at
I hate saying this as I can tell you like him.. Hopefully his phone is dead and or out of time.. Otherwise he blocked you.. If thats the case then Im so very sorry


de • Jan 13, 2018
That would definitely happen if he blocked her


Posted at
Girl don’t you pop up on him, no. Stop trying to message him too, he will reach you when he gets a chance if he’s into you. If he’s not, or something suddenly changes like he doesn’t get in contact with you, you let that guy do what he’s doing and just go. Don’t let yourself get all spun up and twisted over him at this early stage. Just see what happens. I don’t even want to say wait, cuz that seems desperate too. You sound like your just talking not so much dating even yet. Nope, be strong!


C • Jan 13, 2018
Well we don’t enjoy being around each other because it’s stress free. We really enjoy each other’s company. But the stress free environment is a huge plus.


C • Jan 13, 2018
Even though I don’t know you I feel like I can hear you saying this right now lol. Okay, I understand. We’re neither dating nor established. We’re in the infatuation stage and enjoy being around each other because there’s no stress or problems. Which, for me, makes it hard to give up. I’ll just keep living my life. If he calls he calls. If not then at least I know the deal.


Posted at
I definitely popped up on my husband a few times very early on. He didnt mind it. He still married me. He told me not too long ago that if I hadnt done yhose things, he woild have questioned how I really felt. Yay for men who understsnd your psychosis. Soooo... are you psycho? Lol, no, seriously... most people wont appreciate having their privscy and personal space violated by somebody theyve been talking to for 5 weeks, which isnt even a drop in the bucket.


Be • Jan 14, 2018
if a man I was dating went a week without talking to me, he'd better be in a coma, or he wouldnt have to worry about talking to me anymore.


C • Jan 14, 2018
Noo 😩I didn’t! I want to I really do but my gut is telling me to wait longer. Maybe until Monday or when it hits a week since I’ve spoken to him.


Be • Jan 14, 2018
lol, well... did you?


Posted at
Well the person who use to pop up at my house ended up stalking me very badly the situation turned violent and I had him arrested so I personally don't support popping up especially only after 5 weeks that does show some stalkerish signs. I got me a baseball bat for anyone else who decides to ever pop up to my house ever again because I have kids now and I'm whipping ass straight to the jail house.


C • Jan 13, 2018
Now I see why you posted what you said. Personally, I would never stalk someone to the point it would become violent. I’d just end it. I would be difficult at first to not be around the person because I was around him a lot but since we definitely aren’t in love it would be too hard.


Posted at
No! There is never no reason to do random pop ups at someone house. Violation of their privacy and all no mater if you been there before or not. You never know what situation you are walking into popping up at his home and just incase he is trying to leave you alone you can be arrested. Contacting his sister on social media is just crazy. It's only been five weeks not five months... think you should take a few steps back.