Our 4th baby


Anyone else have more than 3 babies? Well, my husband and I have a 12 year old, 10 year old, and a almost 13 month old, ALL girls πŸ™€! To our surprise, we are pregnant again. I was diagnosed in 2013 with PCOS and we were quite comfortable with only 2 girls, however, GOD had better plans. I am hoping we can finally get that boy so I can pass the name along and I want to feel that mother/son bond like my husband his his mom ( I love her). Ultimately, as long as the baby is healthy, we are happy !

Anyone else have a large family? Any tips for saving? I am a full time employee at a University and my husband is the town Commissioner. We tend to be on the cheap side of life , except when it comes to vacations ( his idea, not mine).

I am now 7w+4d with blessing number 4. I am wishing everyone much luck and happiness as we all await our blessings.

Our due date is 27 August 18.


The Jones