Finally did it after 4 years ttc infertility!! Ttc ladies read

Jessica Huff • Jessica Huff

So my husband and I have been ttc since 2014 after the doctor give me the ok to after having thyroid cancer and being in remission! We tried everything in the book including fertility treatments. I have 30 with pcos and one thyroid and hubby is 37 and has very low motility. Odd were against us.

After years of doc visits after visits my family doctor done some routine lab work and found my iron level was low from having pcos and awful 2 week long periods at time!! She prescribed me iron and vitamin c

2 months later

I had stopped tracking everything and had given up. Hubby was in a mood and we bded with him ejaculating multiple times a night every night for about a week. Idk where he got his energy from lol bc he never done that before. Not since we were younger lol

From that point on I started having the worse sore nipples I’ve ever had in my life. Nothing I done helped. This continued for a week or so and I had a dream I was pregnant. I woke up at 3am and went straight and got a test I had left from fertility treatments. Soon as I peed on it it was positive. My previous period was November 12th and it was December 8th when I took the test and it was bright bright positive.

I made an apt immediately with my ob and i was I was indeed pregnant for the first Time in 4 years ttc.

I am currently 9w3d and baby is doing good with a heart beat of 138!

Any ladies been ttc a while get your iron levels checked especially if you have heavy periods or thyroid issues!! By being put on iron and vitamin c we are expecting our little miracle!!

Glow is having issues and won’t let me upload any pictures that are current.