Just need to vent.

Tiffany • C 2001, K 2003, M 2005, M 2016, L 2017.
Are you fucking kidding me Husband. I have to send you to bed at 2 am Because you think you are being helpful when the baby is crying because she is hungry pacing around the kitchen with her. Then she doesn't sleep more than 15 mins at a time when I put her down allllllll night. Then our toddler wakes up and you put her in bed with you uh ok she is not going back to sleep but guaranteed you will and then she will be into something. Then when you finally get up you share a bowl of cereal with the toddler and promptly fall back asleep in the damn beanbag chair. Uh hello I have been up 24 hours now!!! AND you have to work extra today(a whopping 20 mins with no less than an hour drive each way) leaving me at the most difficult time of day with our children. Plus the damn pipes in the kitchen are frozen making life harder. But I guess I will go attempt to fix that too since I just got the baby to sleep. Maybe she will sleep for 15 mins.