Is saying someone is unattractive because they’re short, the same as saying someone is unattractive because they are overweight?


I was browsing Instagram this morning in bed while being bitter the temperature dropped again outside when I saw the following set of three pictures.

I looked it up, and the original girl tweeted an implication that she didn’t like/didn’t find men under 6 feet attractive:

Then, a Meninist twitter replied to her with this:

And she further responded that they ruined her life, because the image went viral:

Do you think the Meninist Twitter had a point in their reply to the young woman? Do you think saying or implying someone is not attractive because of their height, is the same as saying someone is not attractive because of their weight? The replies to the Instagram post were that she more or less deserved it, and that dissing someone’s height is worse than someone’s weight, because height cannot be helped or changed, but weight can. What do you think?

(Let’s not debate or discuss who Meninists are or their platform, please... not the point of the post and I don’t feel like opening that can of worms. Let’s just pretend some random person had replied to her with the same response).