Dear Fucking Mother in Law

I have to get this off my chest because it's eating me. I have come to realize that I don't like you. I've tried and failed but I will always be respectful. Everyone thinks that you are a sweet little church lady who does no wrong to anyone, but I know that you are a crazy, manipulative, annoying woman. You do things that you have to know are wrong or could make people feel some type of way yet you do it anyway. I remember how you ruined my bridal shower because you got all your daughters to guilt trip me into inviting you then got pissy when we started to joke about your son about shit he laughs at too and sat in the other room asking to go home because your rode with someone..

Everyone thinks you're an amazing mother but all your kids except one couldn't wait to get out your house because you are bat-shit crazy (words of your kids). You had foster kids while half ass taking care of your own. Everyone thinks you have the model marriage but you're husband has his own room that he only comes home to sleep in while you sleep on the couch. He goes on vacations and everything without you and I don't blame him. He pretends not to be hungry sometimes because you can't cook. My family doesn't like you either but they love your husband.

But worst of all, when you think that because you had 6 kids you can tell me what to do with mines I want to punch the fuck out of you. I got this and my son is going to be raised correctly. Also, I don't need you giving him shit you didn't ask me to give him and posting his every first move to YOUR facebook like he is yours. Did it every occur to you that if I want him to have something he will have it and because I said I don't want a lot of pics of him online and keep telling you not to and don't post them myself that I don't fucking want his pics posted?

My own mom doesn't even take it upon herself to do anything without my permission. Unlike you I'm going to do more than pop out a bunch of unruly children that only became something to stay away from you. I love my husband, your baby boy, but you should've done better raising him. He told me how you used to pop pills and go crazy and how he started sneaking out at 6. Truth is... I don't hate you and you can see my baby and my husband will always be your mamas boy but as for me... I will put up with you for my husband and son but I don't like you and probably never will.