My new partners children - am I being stupid?


Hi guys,

I’m really struggling here so I need to get this out and get your opinion.

I have been with my partner for a while now and I have just started to be introduced to his children.

Now I had two miscarriages with my ex and found out the likelihood of having children of my own was very slim( of which was the main reason for our separation - we didn’t cope with the grief in the best ways). So I knew being introduced to a 5 and 2 year old was going to be challenging for me. Not to mention the fact the likelihood of him wanting a family with me and trying other options for a family, seems very very slim and I’m still trying to come to terms with that.

Today was my first full day with them and I felt I was doing really well, they instantly wanted cuddles with me and we took them to the park and we went swimming, of which the 2 year old swam with armbands on her own for the first time - which in a strange way also made me proud!!

Now we all got home and I’m very particular at how tidy my house is. I knew that having children over, I was going to need to let this go and I was doing well until dinner. My dining table (that I did put a protector on luckily) was filthy and so were the chairs - they cost me a fortune.

I wasnt angry at all with the children, they can’t really help it but I was more frustrated with myself that this bothered me so much, this tiny thing. If my pregnancy was successful before, I would’ve had to deal with this every day?! So why has this bothered me?! Then since then I’ve just been teary and wanted to be alone. It’s also very weird seeing him be ‘daddy’. Mainly due to the fact I always pictured my family being all mine. But I changed this perception of my future - for him and I will do anything for him and them kids. It’s never really been an issue for me other than my own worries and doubts. Every time I see him with them is so lovely but at the same time it reminds me of what he had with someone else - something we may never have. But maybe that will go with time - I don’t know.

Just made me question my capability and if I would’ve been good enough to be a mother myself if this small little thing bothered me so much.

Has anyone else been this sensitive with other children if cant have any of their own? I feel so pathetic and stupid for even questioning myself.