help! me and my man want to get married. Nothing big or fancy, maybe get married at a church? i calmed clerk of court they said it would be $25 each for our marriage license. we have no clue where to get married at I don't really want to get married at the court house, also i would like to be in my wedding dress and my man in his tux and our kids dressed up and our witnesses ( close family dressed up also) is that a loud? I have no idea how this works have a small ceremony at a church and maybe go out to eat with the whole family afterwards to celebrate. but i still have so many questions. i know the first step would be getting the marriage license. but i have no clue where to start to find a place for us to get married at and to make sure it's legal. I'm sorry if i am lost and all over the place just need a little guideness!! thanks ladies.