Implantation bleeding?

Okay guys, I need some advise. My husband came home on leave and we got married, so lots of banging took place. One night we got very intoxicated and didn’t use protection. I did take a plan be the next day, and please no mean comments on plan b, I understand it’s not a form of birth control and such. But we did bang a few more times afterwards so I very well could be pregnant. It was right as I got off my period, I have been getting very weird mood swings, back pain, very tired, sore boobs, even a few mornings of feeling very sick, and I just have a feeling. This morning my stomach felt uneasy almost like a very light cramp and this appeared, is it implantation bleeding or just side effects of the plan B? It was been a week after ovulation

and I think it’s still too early to test. Thanks all!