Is this normal?


So I've been off the pill and TTC baby #1 for about 3.5 months now. I'm 27 and for the most part pretty healthy. My period is just barely getting to be predictable. (was on the pill for 5yrs nexplanon for 3yrs before that) When I first stopped the pill my period was super out of whack. Either way.. I've had A LOT of sex with my partner. We bang.. all the time. So far only late periods with negative test results. BUT.. this past cycle was four or five days late and it only lasted maybe two and a half days. Unusually heavy for me as well. Then it went away with one day of incredibly light spotting. Now, I'm currently ovulating and tomorrow Glow thinks I'll be 32% susceptible to baby. I noticed some slight brownish red tint to my CM when I peed. Is this me ovulating or is this me having yet another middle of the cycle period? What symptoms do you feel while ovulating?