Dug my own grave 😩😩

Katie • ...

My boy is 15 months and been bed sharing since he was about 4/5 months old. I've tried on a few occasions to get him to sleep in his own bed, but then he'll get sick or be teething and only sleeps on bed with us. For the last few weeks I've worked hard at getting him to nap in his bed (previously he'd only sleep on me or in the car) so I thought now we'd mastered that we'd try night time in his bed.

We'll slap me in the face and call my stupid. I was warned about this. And while I don't mind him sleeping in our bed, sometimes we need adult time! We want another baby too and while he's sleeping with us that's never going to happen! I manage to get my son in his bed but it seems like he wakes up after every cycle! Ever hour or even half N hour he wakes up, I go soothe him and get him back to sleep until I just can't take it and he's back in bed!

I'm losing my mind! I'm so tired of 4 hardcore days of sleep training I just want some sleep 😩😴😭