Average Levels After Meals?


To all my ladies with GD, what are your average levels two hours after meals?

So far, I’ve been keeping mine under 100 (mostly in the 80’s), but that’s with a very low carb diet. I’m still waiting to see the endocrinologist, and tonight I decided to eat a little more carbs than usual (just barely), to test my tolerance for the first time. We had chicken tacos with low carb tortillas, and I had a couple bean chips and queso.

My glucose just read at 128 mg/dL two hours after dinner. I think I could feel it because I’m still so FULL.

I was pretty bummed about it, so I asked my (undiagnosed) non-diabetic husband to test his. And his was 134 mg/dL. He did have a bit more carbs than I did, though.

I’m just curious to know what the average is for others, because I have a little over a week before my appointment, so I’d like to know if this is WAY HIGH or if it’s normal for GD.