Swollen breasts that hurt like the dickens, possible early pregnancy sign? Updated


UPDATE: I took a test tonight, and low and behold there is a positive sign!!I have been telling my husband for a couple weeks now that I could swear I am pregnant. Baby Simmons will be here Fall 2018!!!

Original Post:

I have been dealing with my breasts being swollen, like they feel full, and it hurts! I have to kinda hold my arm under them so they don't hurt so bad. I was supposed to get my period yesterday, so far no signs. This whole cycle has been completely different from others. I feel like I am showing early pregnancy signs, but I took a test on Jan 10th. Which would of been 9 DPO, to which my husband said you took it too early. I have been dealing with my breasts hurting like this for over a week, as well as some bloating. We had sex with insemination about 14 times this cycle. No longer than 3 days went with out sex. I don't want to take another test for a couple more days, thats if AF doesn't come. Also I have experienced nausea a couple times last week. I have noticed bright white cervical mucus too a couple times. it wasn't very much though. What do you think? My husband thinks I am.