Weird question

So I've had sexual intercourse 6 times throughout December and 3 times I believe on my ovulation week but January 4th I had idk if it was a period it started out as spotting and then to a little heavy and then ended in spotting lasted about 4 and a half days. And I just recently had sexual intercourse again. But I've been sleeping all day long and never sleeping at night. I've noticed my boobs feel more heavy and they look bigger. I've only been craving French fries but the smell of vinegar or the air freshener in my moms bathroom makes me want to puke. Which I liked the smell of her air freshener till recently. I've gotten sick before and I have had like this acid type feeling and then end up puking. And I have been having these cramping pains but that only last about 10 minutes and they go in and out. And I got upset because we had no oil to make French fries today and I stormed in my room which is not like me at all lol. And I've only been wanting French fries and lo mein noodles only from the Chinese place right by my house. Even with me sleeping all day I still wake up extremely tired and I've gotten completely dizzy and fell in the bathroom and kind of hit my head on the wall but I'm ok guys. And the one thing I've mostly noticed is that I always have to only have my lap on I cannot have my actual light on because it hurts my head and I end up with a migraine. And I've also noticed i can't eat anything pizza related or my favorite food of all times which is Mac and cheese because if I do I end up severely nauseated. And my mom bought me these chocolate covered pretzels and they taste horrible and the reason I know I can't eat pizza is because my mom made rebaren pizza that we always get from food lion and I love the supreme that's my favorite and I took a bite of it and spit it out because it taste and smells like cough syrup and I have no idea why it does... I just basically wanted to tell everything I've been expirencing lately so anyone can tell me when it's a good time to test???