Miscarriage concerns


I recently miscarried at 8 weeks. Went into my first appointment at 12 weeks and they couldn't find the heartbeat, baby was measuring 8 weeks. Choose to take the pill to start process naturally. I regret it fully, it would have been less painful and quicker to do the D&C; but I didn't want any complications for future pregnancies. Has anyone went through this and there spouse was not there? My husbands job has him out of town a lot. I went to the appointment alone, miscarried alone, and now am healing alone. Not sure when he's is coming home. But I feel like this has been very hard on our marriage and I'm not sure it will ever be the same. We have a 14 month old son who is our whole world and we were really excited to be able to give him a sibling. We have been together for 7 years but I can't help but feel very alone in this situation. He knows I have my family and they have been great but it's not the same as your spouse. He couldn't leave because of work, they wouldn't let him leave unless I had a doctors note that it was a medical emergency. Is there anyone else who experienced a miscarriage and the spouse was not there physically for them or just wasn't supportive? Did your marriage recover? I'm afraid to even try again for fear of reliving this.