So my boyfriend wants anal......


********UPDATE QUESTIONS***** Anal Bleaching...does anyone do it? Im probably over streesing about all this but the more preperation I do, the less things I have to be nervous about. Does anyone get professionally bleached? If so, where and does it hurt? and How soon before....the deed? ************************************Of course he's been asking for a while. We've been together 2 years so it's not that I'm not comfortable with him, I'm just nervous. I'd been telling him no, and keeping it secret that we'd try it on our wedding night. He doesn't push or anything. Just brings it up every now and then and this time he caught me in a very horny moment since I haven't seen him in 4 months (we're long distance; just 2 hours away though) so I said yes 😒. Now he's all excited but I can't stop thinking things like "what if there's poop!?" or what if its not clean inside the hole?" "how do I get clean??" Can I bleach my ass??" 😂 Answers ladies! I've got 4 weeks before this date and I'm freaking out!