Please help!!!

So I’ve been having really bad headaches at night, which is normal for me because I have migraine issues as it is but they’ve been way worse. Nausea has been coming with them which isn’t normal for me. No vomiting (yet) I’ve been feeling really bloated and my period is three days late. Some spotting here and there it’s like light pinkish and some light brown discharge along with it. Period symptoms or possibly pregnant? Also having lots of discharge like every five minutes and it’s super annoying! If I do get enough comments I’ll keep you updated and yes I know I should just test but my car broke down and I don’t trust anyone enough to not say anything plus I only have like one friend😂

UPDATE: I just made some hard boiled eggs bc I havent had them in a while and I couldn’t even eat them bc the small KILLED ME. So I was trying to suck it up and took a bite and almost puked everywhere😭