

Okay 4 days late, and just today (TMI) i had this random little bleed litterally the tiniest little bit one tiny tony little clot thing that was super dark & then the rest was just alittle dark blood/creamy discharge tinted pink ish and pink tint to the toilet paper. I put a panty liner on a little bit of pink tint spots on it but nothing else really in the last few hours, no cramping or anything. & i think im 4 days late but im not too sure now cause my app said i was supposed to start on the 9th but in October i started on the 15th and bled 5 days, November i started on the 11th & bled for 5 days & December i started on the 11th and bled for 5 days. So im not sure if i was supposed to start on the 11th or if its the 15th then i start the 11th for 2 months then the 15th etc, with it switching off like that. Im so confused. Can anyone shed some light on this for me!