PP Body

I think it's so great that women want to show that your body can bounce back after having a baby. But the reality is everyone is different. I am 5'2. I weighed 105 before I got pregnant, runner and backpacker. So I was in great shape. I ended up being 150 at the end of my pregnancy. I 100% thought since I was so active during my pregnancy with hiking and eating good and The only weight was just in my belly I would bounce back fast.

Well, I did not. I am now 5 months PP and have 15 lbs to go before I'm at pre pregnancy weight. I have been asked numerous times if I was pregnant and I've started to tell people "nope I'm fat but thank you for reminding me". I work out every day, run 3 miles a day, eat well and breast feed and it's just not coming off like it does for others.

So if you are one of those people like me who just isn't shedding the weight don't feel bad. It is possible for SOME people to bounce back fast but not for all and you should not feel ashamed. I know I feel super insecure about it sometimes but I love my little nugget more to let it get me down for to long.