Needing Help

I don’t have a diagnosis for what I am going to explain. I will try to explain my issues to the best of my abilities. I have mood swings that I notice mostly when I’m depressed. The depression usually lasts for at least two weeks. What’s strange is that the depression then goes away for at least a week. When the depression goes away, I feel moderately happy for a day to three days then I go to what my friends call “being off the charts with happiness.” My happiness feels like how I should be, it scares my friends. I feel like I only need help when depressed. I’ve been told that I should be put on mood stabilizers by my friends. My parents let my brother see a psychiatrist, but they won’t let me. My brother has schizophrenia, and has been actually been diagnosed. My parents say that there is nothing wrong with me, but when I’m depressed ask me if I’m okay. The times that I’ve said I’m depressed they just laugh at me and say I have nothing to be sad about. When I’m in my high states I have done strange things like stick my toe in a glass of milk believing that I could drink the milk through some sort of super power. Another time I said “I’m floating with the asteroids. I’m one with the clouds.” I’ve also said weird things like “I’m part of the mosquito army we suck the happiness out of humanity.” My friends have reminded me of these things that I’ve done and said. That’s an example of the things I’ve said and done. The one thing I have been diagnosed with is social anxiety. Besides that I’m lost. I’m almost 18, but I don’t have a job or insurance to afford medication. I need to figure out what’s happening with my mood and how to get help. I’m feeling pretty stable today. I’m getting out a depressive episode. Sorry for the long entry.