not right ??


my 14 month old used to be so Happy!!! I mean he had an ear infection , tonsilites and thrush all within a space of a month !. But he was still the happiest baby ever!!. he was about 9 months she this all happend. he is now 14 months. he is not himself. always grumpy, won't settle unless he is on someone, refuses to sleep, hates lying down. pretty sure he has a sore belly or something!. this has been going on for a month. Been back fourth to the doctors!. they just keep telling me the same damn thing. " just monitor him and come back if he doesn't improve". Well on Friday we ended up in Ane or er. (depending where your from). because he hadent peed for 12 hours !!. guess what?. 14 hours in he starts peeing we only got to see the doctor two hours after That. who told me , It was maybe just a one time thing. took him to the doctors. as he still isn't right. just been told the same damn thing again! " monitor him and if he isn't better bring him back". im starting to feel like I'm going insane 😭. is there actually something wrong with my baby or am I imagining It??. he isn't himself, I'm sure of it.... But no health professional is taking me seriously 😭