Am I pregnant?? Please help I’m not ready

Me and boyfriend have had some issues and I found something out that’s very personal but we fought all day and then ended up having sex. I’m not a very sexual person I have to be in the mood or be put in the mood slowly or else I’m turned off. But I was kissing him like usual but this time I was more turned on. I wanted him so bad. It was a couple days after my period ended so I thought maybe I was just making up for lost time haha. But I’m curious bc I was extremely turned on sorry for the TMI. But what I’m trying to say is was my body releasing its egg? Was that what was happening? I’m not too good on this type of thing except some of the basics. But today is the second day after we had sex we had sex at night so tonight would make two days after. Well i look at my discharge regularly or lack of discharge. So I know something might be happening down there bc my discharge is a little thicker I felt of it and it and it was creamy and kind of cloudy or white just a cream like color. It’s consistency is different than usual. My period isn’t until like the 7th of February. My heads been hurting I couldn’t get to sleep until 7 this morning. I take ADHD medicine which takes my hunger but I’ve been really hungry. Idk if I’m freaking myself out or what but could I take a test in a couple of days? Would it give me a precise answer bc my period is a while away and I know stressing over it will push my period even further away. And we didn’t use any protection.