I feel depressed about boyfriends words


Well good night my boyfriend and I had a really bad argument Saturday night he was drunk on our way home he started arguing with me calling me names saying I was everything y'all can think of So I got really mad and slapped him right in the face while I was driving so then he lashed back with him doing the same but he hit me so hard that my lip is still swollen and I was bleeding so much to that he still didn't care cause he still was calling me names and saying he didn't love me he was just with me cause he wants to get his papers and that I'm fat he could get a finer girl than me that's why my x left me cause I'm fat I don't want to make excuses but he's really not that person. it's when he drinks he's aggressive like that but most of the time he's a great man treats me good but that is in my head now the words he was saying to me hurt I've always felt ugly cause of my weight and to have some who I love tell me that hurts I want to think it was just cause he was drunk and he didn't mean it or what do you girls think