Anxiety overload 😫😫

Tasha 🇯🇲/🇬🇧 • first 👶🏾 baby due August 2018

So today my anxiety hit an all time high.

I am 10 weeks pregnant and I am loving this and my boyfriend is too.

I have just got back from a relaxing week away with my mother which was the best until I got in my house.

So I walked in and there was this horrid smell like someone had been sick or something. I asked my boyfriend what the horrid smell was and he said he was cooking, now this was no cooking smell.

I just let it pass as sometimes he cooks and yes it smells worse than it taste but this so wasn’t a smell like anything you would cook.

So we ate and then went off to his flat.

So the next day he went off to work and I came back to my house to wash my clothes, clean the house and get my things ready for work the next day.

So when I walked in the house here was that horrid smell again. So I text my boyfriend and he admitted that he “nearly burnt the house down” as he put in his text message. So I was totally upset as anyone would be and said he need to come round and sort the smell out to which I got there is no need to give him attitude. Pardon no need for what? I’m sorry but if he had been away for a week to relax while pregnant to come home to that he wouldn’t be best pleased either.

So a few hours passed and yes my anxiety was at a high by now and all I had done was cry and cry.

So after a few hours and me still wanting to get my work clothes washed and dried for the next day and him still with his attitude said to me “come on just dry your stuff at mine (where he has nowhere to dry clothes) I’ll wait in the car” by this time I just wanted to cry again. I just said to him “can’t you just wait until my things are dry, it’ll be 30mins that’s all” and just dust into tears to which I get “ffs why you crying again. Can’t you just stop dwelling over the house and snap out of it” pardon, what?? I’m sorry mr I have no anxiety issues but I do and it isn’t as easy as that, now go home and leave me be.

Why the hell would you say that and to someone who already finds it hard to cope and now I am 10 weeks pregnant with our baby too, he is skating on thin ice.

I just don’t know what to do for the best. I just wish he help and would understand me more.