Hey all....

So here’s some back story for everyone.

I’m currently on Nexplanon & have been on it since May 5, 2017. That date is burned in my memory because that’s the day I decided I didn’t want to be a mom & I regret it everyday. I wouldn’t say it was my choice, but I was coming to the end of my first year in college & my parents didn’t give me much of an option, I wouldn’t have been able to provide anyways. I had the implant throughout high school as well. So I sort of have the idea of what my body feel like without birth control, with birth control, & being pregnant as well.

Skip ahead....

I know it’s RAREEEE to get pregnant with the implant, but my body is reacting to the implant WAY different that it did before I ever got pregnant. My hormones & just everything is different since being pregnant (even though I had an abortion). I got to go home over Thanksgiving week(end) as well as from the month of December from college. Spent time with my bf, you know how that goes.

&&&& well I’ve been feeling “off”. Funky. A little bit like I had been feeling like when I first noticed I was pregnant. I definitely noticed the smell of my citrus/fruity essential oils make me feel sick & I love lemon. ☹️ I’m feeling weird cramps again & tightness in my abdomen... mainly where I believe my ovaries are. Nausea has been bothering me after some meals, just for a little. My appetite is a lotttt bigger than before, maybe it’s because I didn’t get my freshman 15 when I was supposed to. Ive been getting bad headaches & tired spells. OH YES & my nipples are sensitive/achy for like the past 5 days. How could I forget that ?! That’s how I figured out I was pregnant the first time... when my painful nipples seemed to never go away.

OKAY OKAY. I understand how out there all you folks will think I am because I’m on the BEST POSSIBLE birth control. Well nothing is 100% so yah. I’m gonna Test tomorrow. Sooooo I’ll update this post. I just keep telling myself I’m overthinking & stuff. I don’t want to break my own heart, especially since it hasn’t healed from the termination of my previous pregnancy. I bet I’m just getting too excited over nothing. What do y’all think? I’ll check back tomorrow. Thanks.
