abortion support


hey guys. so according to planned parenthood, im about 6 weeks along right now. i cant get in for an abortion until january 31 and i am going to get a medical abortion done (pills). i was just wondering if any of you have ever done that, what your experience was, etc. also, my boyfrined says he will support me no matter my decision, but he thinks i should keep it. i feel terrible and like i am letting him down. im honestly not very upset about the termination, just about how i am making him feel. lastly, he is going to court for a dui in another state on the exact day of the abortion. i am nervous about going by myself. please help. i will take advice or anything. **** update **** okay so I just realized that the way I explained my boyfriend makes him sound like a piece of crap. So I just wanted to clarify he used to have a drinking problem but as of yesterday he is been sober for 6 months. yay! He is so supportive and loving and I can honestly see myself spending the rest of my life with him. I just don't want my own personal decisions to hurt him