I hate being emotional 😢😔

Mama Bear

Even before I was pregnant I was emotional and a little jealous of things that may not set off a typical person. I am confident in myself, but there are some girls who just love to flirt and don’t really mind if you’re married or whatnot. My husband works around a lot of men but there are a few women occasionally and for the most part they’re pretty respectful. Every once in awhile, since rotation is normal there are those select few that are just flirty. There is one in particular, who I know my husband doesn’t care for or hurting but he doesn’t seem to notice that she is kind of flirty. She called this morning, and was like “hellooo” all excited to talk to him and he had come back up to say bye to me but didn’t finish the conversation until he went all the way downstairs. I immediately felt a bit weird about it and being I’m emotional already because of pregnancy I texted him that I didn’t like how she spoke to him. So he called me and told me there’s nothing he can do about it and that she talks to everyone like that. So I’m supposed to deal with it? I’m supposed to be ok with it? How is that fair? Another time she was supposed to watch my daughter so we could go to an appointment she kind of mocked me in front of her husband along the lines of basically saying I was being a “meany” and that I “wasn’t fun” to my daughter who at the time was only 13 months old. She did this in front of all of us....

After that particular day I stopped pursuing to be her friend and never asked her to watch my daughter again. I wanted badly to get along with her (before) because I don’t like automatically disliking my husbands female co workers but after experiences I’ve been through with them in the past they have never been positive.

So I’m left here thinking I’m being too sensitive but in reality if I were her, I would never speak that way to someone I work with. It sounds like she’s got a thing for him and I’m like in her way or something. Anyway, I don’t know if what I did was right or not my husband and I have not had any issues and we openly communicate how we feel to each other on a regular basis and felt the need to tell him this. We were just talking about how there will be girls like this and I just don’t get why they keep messing with my perfectly good relationship with my husband. Am I too insecure or do other women feel this way too? Is it pregnancy? Ugh..