Stuck between 3 girl names! Help! 😘

My husband and I are stuck between 3 names for baby girl and we’re running out of time! I’m 31 weeks pregnant today and we keep going back and forth on these names!

We REALLY liked the name Ava but it’s super popular and my husbands cousin has already ‘called’ that name (even though they really didn’t, we said at Thanksgiving we like that name and his aunt and uncle told us that we can’t use that name and to pick another). Yes they’re jerks, alcoholic jerks.

Anyways, my husband loves the name Arielle but I’m struggling to get behind it. All I keep thinking about is the little mermaid 🧜🏻‍♀️ But I love the fact that he loves it so much and picked it.

Ahh! This is so tough! Any help, suggestions, anything would be appreciated!


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