Emergency Unscheduled doctor Visit!!


So I am a first time mom and I’m also 18 for those who don’t know on Saturday I began having headaches and I couldn’t get them to go away as the week progressed they got more and more severe by Tuesday I began getting dizziness and my legs and feet were swollen and numb so I called my doctors office and they asked me to come in they though I had preeclampsia by the time I had gotten to the doctors my legs and feet were a light purple color I was tested and didn’t have preeclampsia so they did and ultrasound and a stress test and the baby was fine all except his heart rate was low I was then sent to another doctor who asked me to have my finger pricked and checked for anemia, as a child I was always anemic but eventually had grown out of it so I didn’t think much of anything about it when the test come back I was very anemic during pregnancy your iron count is suppose to be a 11 I was at 6! The doctor told me that it was very dangerous for my son because iron allows you to produce red blood cells which is what produces the oxygen for your baby! I had to have 3 different shots and was put on a high dosages prescription of Ferralet and my doctor told me to eat nothing but red meat and leafy greens!! And now two days later I’m feeling soo much better!! I thought this post could help other moms just Incase maybe they were having the same experience!