12 week NT Ultrasound pics

Tina • mama of 4 boys • 🎀 due Feb 2021 • twin boys • fitness lover

Hi ladies! 12w2d over here. Just a couple more weeks till I hit the 2nd trimester. I just wanted to show our newest baby pics to you guys and let you all know the baby is growing well and all genetic tests and scans say all is well! I have been super anxious this pregnancy due to my age and I finally feel a sense of relief now. Since I had the genetic blood test done they were able to tell us the gender but I didn't want to know yet because I am not ready to possibly leave my "girl fantasyland" that I have been visiting😂. I think we will open the envelope on my hubby's birthday at the end of the month and we will enter the 2nd trimester too. Stay tuned:)...

Side note: HB 174 (all my boys were high like this so it's not an indicator that it's a girl for me)