To good to b true lol

Adika • just a bomb ass mom who all her dreams came true when i gave birth to my son. wifey since nov 2016

So gift and a curse that I found out I was pregnant at three weeks five days so tomorrow I will be five weeks and from that day to yesterday I have felt fine the only thing that made me test was some hot flashes and then I just felt like I was so lucky because I feel normal .....but I didn’t realize I didn’t even know I was pregnant with my first child until I was five weeks along so here all the same symptoms the only thing I don’t have is that backache and I think God for that ....but this queasy evening sickness has got to go no I’m not throwing up but I would rather throw up to get the feeling to go away than feel like this for hours and hours every night especially chasing around a 17-month-old it makes me question my sanity was I right to have another one this soon 🤮🤢😓😩😭😢😫😩And then I find all my old post from when I was pregnant last time from Glow and I am a lunatic for doing this again that’s all I’ll say LOL We’re blessed tho right