Need some reassurance on my newborn FTM.

Lechenette • Wife. Expecting our first 🎀 1/2018.

Is my newborns behavior normal?

She is just a week old and since we've come home from the hospital she hasn't had one poopy diaper. I talked to my pedi and they suggested maybe I'm just not making enough milk for her to have bowl movements because it's rare that an exclusively breastfed baby that young is constipated. But she is so gassy and just fusses and fusses and I can't calm her.

I tried anal stimuli with a q tip and all her poop shot out. But since then which that was yesterday - she hasn't gone. :(

She nurses like crazy. For long amounts of time and frequently - although I do have to wake her up to feed or she won't. Is she colic? Am I starving her??? When I self express lots of milk comes out , so??