Are my feelings dumb?

I’ve been talking to this guy for almost a year and a half, he wants more than a friendship from me and I do have feelings for him too but I’m not sure about the whole situation. We did get intimate before but it was nothing more than touching, I always stopped it because I’m very self conscious about the way my lady bits look. I don’t have much experience either, I’ve only had one sexual partner and I literally don’t know what or how to do anything. I was fine and confident with the partner I had but apart from him, I couldn’t bring myself into having sex with anyone else because I’m so insecure. He also has quite a lot more experience than me, he’s had 7 sexual partners and whenever we talk about it I just sit there listening to him and his experiences while I’m like “yeah I didn’t do much...” he told me he doesn’t care about all that, he just wants to be with me but whenever I think about having sex with him I almost start crying. I just feel like he’s gonna compare me to the other women he’s been with because I know I can’t do shit in bed, nevermind the way my lady bits look. I know that is in the past but everything he told me he’s tried and done with them and that he often had sex over 7-8 times a day just makes me feel really insecure because I have no experience at all 😒 am I just being dumb?

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